A Duck's Life

A Duck's Life

Our ducks are either incredibly smart or completely stupid.
Either way, though, all 18 continue to survive...
the best luck we have ever had with raising ducks.

Now, I would love to credit Hubbs and I, saying that it is because we
painstakingly herd them into their duck hut each night.
But that is no longer the case.
the ducks are rebels.
They refuse to take shelter at night.
Add to their obstinacy the fact that the pond is too frozen for us
to attempt to "canoe herd" them into their hut.
And so they remain floating in the water all night long,
or perched, sleeping, on the ice.

The pond would be totally frozen solid, if not for Hubbs'
aerator providing surface movement;
not to mention giving the ducks their very own "spa".
Invariably, you will see at least one duck enjoying the steady
stream of bubbles in two separate locations on the pond.

Now, this is how crazy we are about our critters...

Those aerators significantly raise our electric bill each winter
with their motor humming along 24/7.  Yes, we are crazy.
But, we get a lot of enjoyment having these beautiful ducks on our pond!

Visiting the pond is part of our daily routine.
Filling up their empty feed dish with game bird pellets and two grain scratch
will assure that all will make it nicely through the winter
(as long as the predators stay away!)

The dogs' daily romping through our woods seems to
take care of that situation.
Ok, well, Oakley does the hunting...

Sam chases Oakely.

And Maddie?  Maddie only hunts butterflies.
Although she often imagines great adventures
with Oakley and Sam...
 Maddie is a BIG girl and just can't keep up.

And Sadie?  Well, Sadie has never thought of herself as a dog,
so hunting is out of the question!

But, look out predators....
here comes Hickory
(our 15 year old huntress!)

- Goodbye Methuselah
Yesterday morning when I stopped by the pond to feed the ducks,I did my usual head count.Twelve ducks were paddling around in their little circular pool of water...kept from freezing by an aerator. For seven or eight years, that head count has included...

- Feeling Ducky In The Morning
The first chore on the morning list each day involves a trip to the duck pond.Each morning, at sunrise, I open the duck hut doorand 18 sweet ducks file out and onto the pond.It is definitely the favorite time of day for them.And for me, there is nothing...

- Pond Happenings
I make several trips to our pond each day...first thing in the morning,to let the ducks out, last thing at night to close them back in,and occasional trips in between with the dogs. Each and every time I arrive at the pond,seven wild ducks fly away. They...

- Duck, Duck, Dog
Yesterday afternoon, after chores,the dogs and I headed down to the pond to check on the ducks. They are really enjoying their pond time each day.Every morning, Methuselah, our old Campbell duck, is waiting on the shore beside the duck hut....pacing...waiting...

- Just Ducky
The new brood of adolescent ducks was delivered to their new duck hut Sunday night. Since it was already dark outside, we kept them penned in the hut until Monday morning. They seemed to have weathered their trip just fine and proceeded to eat a bedtime...

