A Good Day Is A Mix Of Work And Play

A Good Day Is A Mix Of Work And Play

Great weather continues...
and so does the outside work!

I've been working on cleaning out the vegetable garden.

It's amazing how quickly weeds take over once the vegetables are done.
At some point this summer I stopped weeding.
(Yikes... that was a mistake!)
So, I have a few weeks of work to get the garden beds ready for winter.
I will do a little each day until it is done.

Most everything in the garden is now dead,
with the exception of these gourd vines.

They just keep growing and spreading and making new gourds!
The early gourds are now huge, hidden here beneath the asparagus.

I swear if winter never came the entire garden might be covered in birdhouse gourds!

All work and no play makes for a very long day.
That's why I spend a little time each day just sitting with my friends.

Afternoons are quiet in the pig yard and the sheep yard.
It seems that in both places afternoons are made for napping.

I quietly sit beside the sheep and listened to the sound of their breathing.
Sheep are the most peaceful creatures,
and my presence doesn't seem to bother them in the least.

I imagine another time, long ago, when I might have been a shepherdess...
tending to my flock in a meadow on the side of a mountain.
And then I remember that in those days I would have had to worry about wolves.

Luckily, my girls live a predator-free life without fear.
Their world is as peaceful as they make mine.

I find myself wishing that this were the case for the whole world...
peaceful co-exsistence.
But alas.....

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