A Little Pink Fairy Has Arrived!

A Little Pink Fairy Has Arrived!

We are enjoying a farm guest this week.

Sam, Andy and Ashley's dog is spending the week with us.
Sam loves to come to Grammie's farm where he can run free and play with his cousins all day!

And why is Sammy visiting?

the most wonderful thing has occurred!!

We have added a tiny fairy princess to the farm family!
Meet Mackenzie Nicole.

She made her debut around 4 pm yesterday afternoon...
weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz.  and measuring just 19 inches.

She is the sweetest pink fairy we have ever seen, and we are hopelessly smitten!
Oh, the wonderful adventures this little girl is going to have.....

Mommy and Daddy and Mackenzie are all very tired, but very happy.
And we are so very proud of them all.
What a big day it was!

Meanwhile, while we weren't on the phone receiving texts about labor and delivery,
we picked over 50 lbs. of tomatoes yesterday.

Tomatoes are taking over the kitchen!!

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