A Most Beautiful Start to Autumn

A Most Beautiful Start to Autumn

As the sun sets on the first day of Autumn,
the dogs and I head outside to eek out every last moment of daylight.

The animals are preparing for the night ahead
as the moon rises high above the barnyard.

The hens work their way back to their henhouses,
except for this little band of nonconformists who prefer to roost in the goats' run-in shed.

They all find their place on the hay feeder and settle in for a little
pre-bedtime gossip.
Although the run-in is not as secure as the henhouse, no predators bother
these hen because the goats are close by.

It's always this time of evening that the goats head out to the far reaches of their pasture.
They spend their nighttimes grazing by the light of the moon.

On this particular evening, though, they are hesitant to venture out.

That's because on this evening the dogs have decided to use the goat pasture as a ball field.

Oakley and Annie beg for one last game of fetch before dark.
And of course I oblige...as the goats patiently (and some not so patiently) wait their turn.

The turkeys are tucked in their house, pigs and sheep fed, and horses turned out to pasture
as the sun sinks low beneath the horizon.
Darkness settles upon the farm... the only light from the moon.

It's been a spectacular first day of Autumn...
crystal clear blue skies held a bright yellow sun...
temperatures in the 70's.

The forecast is for more of the same over the next few days.
Oh, how I love this time of year!
And it only gets better as the leaves change and the temperature drops.

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- Good Night
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- Good Night!
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