A New Friend for Bee Haven Acres

A New Friend for Bee Haven Acres

There are some subjects about which I am passionate.
Dogs are one of those subjects.
I am sure if you have been following my blog,
you are aware of how much I love my dogs Maddie and Sadie.

Hubbs and I have been considering adding one more canine friend to our family.
After much deliberation we decided that the best choice would be a rescue dog.

As luck would have it, the good people at our local feed store 
put me in touch with a lovely couple who foster rescue dogs.
They have been supplying me with lists of dogs in need.

None of them seemed to be a great match.


This weekend they sent me a "kill" list from a shelter down south.
On that list was this fellow.

His last day of life was to be this past Sunday....
he was scheduled for execution on Monday.

My heart broke.

He needs a chance, a home, someone to love him.
He has a sweet face...kind eyes...wagging tail.
His name is Oakley.

The folks at the shelter love him...
they say he is sweet, tolerant and gets along well with others. 

But, his time is up.
They keep dogs for only two months.
After that....well, it is too sad to imagine.

Happily, today he is still alive and en route to Pennsylvania.
He has a second chance....for a new life.
I cannot wait to meet this fellow.

He will be fostered by Dave and Tonda...kind "angels" who repeatedly take in lost souls
and rehabilitate them through love and kindness.
If he proves to be farm worthy.....he will be our newest family member.
I am praying that he will.
Safe travels, dear Oakley....you'll soon have a home!

If you are considering adding a dog to your family,
I implore you....look into adopting a rescue dog.
Shelters are bulging at the seams.

If you are local to Central Pa, please consider donating online to the 
Harrisburg Humane Society.
They are in the midst of raising funds for building a new shelter
to house more animals.
Unlike many shelters in many states, though, they are a "no kill" shelter.
Won't you please be an "angel"....help a dog in need.


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