A Practical Guide

A Practical Guide

You may have heard what paleontologists found 
when they ran DNA tests on the skeletal remains of T. Rex.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex's DNA was most closely related to
that of the chicken!

And if you have had the opportunity to own a rooster,
you will definitely believe this to be true.

Anyone who has heard a rooster running up behind them
will admit that at least a tiny shiver goes down one's spine
at that moment...
and just a fleeting thought that one might be devoured in the process!

At the present time, we have many roosters.
And, amazingly, we have no problems with any of the roosters.

Now, I don't think that I am a rooster expert by any means,
but I have developed A Practical Guide to Roosters for those of you
who might be considering adding one of these handsome tyrants to your flock.

Here are a few highlights from my forthcoming guide...

A Practical Guide to Roosters

(Remember...you only need a rooster if you want fertile eggs.)
  1. Be advised.... roosters live for one thing and one thing only... procreation.  So, don't get in the way when a rooster is doing what he does best.
  2. Keep a high hen to rooster ratio (See number 1) or your few hens will be very stressed.  I have found that 20 (or more) to 1 works well.
  3. Don't be under the false assumption that you can bribe a rooster with food.  Roosters are only interested in one thing (See number 1).
  4. Never look a rooster in the eye.  This will be perceived as an act of aggression and he may challenge you to a duel.  You will lose.
  5. Never make chicken noises in the presence of a rooster.  For all you know, a little "cock-a-doo" or "doodle-do" from your lips could mean an invitation to duel.  Dueling with a rooster is not something you want to try.  You will lose.
  6. When walking toward a rooster, do not step aside, but maintain your course, and keep your eyes down.  Again, you would not want innocent actions to be misconstrued as a challenge. You will lose.
  7. Do not wear a red hat in the presence of a rooster.... he may decide that you, too, are a rooster and challenge you to a duel.  I repeat....you will lose.
  8. Never chase a rooster. (See numbers 4 thru 7.)
  9. If you have multiple roosters and not enough hens for a good ratio, sequester these roosters far from the hens.  Males can live together quite congenially if there are no females around. (It is true for every species that males will go to war to compete for the favors of a female.)  By themselves, males will spend the day happily snacking, loafing, chest-butting, and comparing "big fish" stories.

If you have roosters, you probably had a little chuckle.

If you are considering having roosters....
Be ye warned!

And for those of you who remember last summer's tribulations
 of Eileen and her Bumblefoot....

Eileen limpeth not!

Here she is proudly standing on both feet.
It was a long haul, but she healed just fine.

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