A Rose from MoMo

A Rose from MoMo

Socks' sweetheart, MoMo gave us this lovely rose in appreciation of our friendship and support. We are very honored she thought of us when handing out this lovely award. We wish to pass it on to Charlie (whose friendship has warmed our hearts and kept our spirits up), Jan's Funny Farm (whose friendship helps lots of kitties and doggies), and Daisy (she always makes us laugh with her Sunday Comics).

- Saturday Sharing ~ Thanks Ellie & Star
The lovely ladycat Ellie from Friends FurEver gave me the Opposites Attract Award. Thanks you so much Ellie.  This is such a pretty award. I loves having it for my very own. I also received this award from Star who blogs at Life with Ragdolls. ...

- Shadow & Molly Gave Us An Award
Shadow & Molly gave us this purrty award. We just love the butterflies on it. Here is the meaning and rules of this award: "This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming....

- Friendship Knows No Boundaries
Today is not of my species day. We are having a party for all our friends (all species welcome). Our guest of honor and not of my species special friends are Asta, she was one of the first doggies we meet when we started blogging. We have had many wonderful...

- Momo
We are so embarrassed, we just discovered today is MoMo's first blogoversary. Sassy made her a lovely and delicious cake, so be sure to stop by the party and get a slice. MoMo gave us this lovely crystal rose to remember the day by. Happy Blogoversary...

- Venice Is Lovely ~ Scylla & Charybdis
Photo by SS Oh, this was so much fun!!!! We have to go back again next year. We felt like princess in our lovely costumes, and Socks looked so handsome. MoMo had to talk him into dressing up, but he looked so nice he was glad he did. And SS took this...

