A Run With The Boys

A Run With The Boys

Yesterday was a day off the farm for me...
a trip into town to take care of some business and run errands.

Upon arrival home, I mentioned to Hubbs that I had no ideas for my next blog post.
He was getting ready to go for a run and suggested that I do a video
to show you the joy and exuberance that Sam and Oakley show
at the prospect of a run.
(I have to add here that Amanda and Hubbs always tease me...
saying that I never use their blog post suggestions...
I am an independent thinker....so now you will understand why I had to post this!)

The boys love all types of adventures, and a good run in the woods is just the best kind of adventure.

I was hesitant at first, thinking there would not be enough material,
but I went along with the idea and turned on the video camera.

As soon as the dogs realized what was about to happen,
the excitement started!

Watch and be amazed......

Yes, Hubbs was uninjured in this video.
And yes, I had to edit a portion of the soundtrack.
So, you see, because it was his suggestion,
I just had to share the video with you!
(And he is such a good sport, that he did not object!)

Luckily, the rest of the run went off without incident,
and all 3 of my boys returned home safe, sound, and a little tired.
But, that just might be the last suggestion Hubbs ever offers!

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