A Tale Of Two Piggies

A Tale Of Two Piggies

Once upon a time there were two porcine princesses...
two shapely sisters with extraordinary tassels on their necks 
(a true mark of beauty in the piggy world.)

These two beauties were as kind as they were lovely,
and everyone in the kingdom (and beyond) adored them.

They lived in a castle (at least they thought it one)
in the midst of a beautiful farm kingdom.

They spent their days playing outdoor in their yard
and visiting with the neighboring sheep.

Occasionally one of the local kitties would stop by for a visit.

Life was simple and happy for these two girls.
They rarely ever fought... except perhaps over which of them had more dinner...
and of course neither liked to share!

One day, a bitter cold one that kept them indoors, their father, the King,
came to bring them their supper.

As they ate, he tidied their room.
(two girls can be a little messy when playing indoors all day long.)

As he cleaned, he happened to bump into one of the princesses named MaryAnn.
Well, she lost her head and started to squeal and grunt at the king and push 
him out of the way just like she occasionally did to her sister (on a daily basis).

The king was so surprised by this grumpy behavior, 
that he raised his voice and scolded her (gently).

So very remorseful for her crabby behavior,
(the king had reminded her that this was not behavior befitting a princess)
she hung her head in shame and stood facing the corner.
(seemingly embarrassed)

I have spent quite a few years observing animal behavior
and have come to the conclusion that animals are much smarter than we imagine.
But I have also observed that there are varying degrees of intelligence amongst the animals.

It is my opinion that our pigs are the smartest of our animals....
not only with higher level thinking skills, but also a higher degree of emotions.
I don't for a second doubt that MaryAnn was feeling a bit of embarrassment 
over her behavior.
I am sure she thought she was tussling with her sister and not with Hubbs.
Upon realizing her mistake.... I believe she felt a degree of remorse.
I have observed true joy when the pigs greet their favorite people....
they have a language....a series of grunts that they use...
but when they are overjoyed, the grunts are unique....
and at that moment they can hardly contain their excitement.

These two amaze me.... I am in awe of them...
and feel so blessed to have them as part of my life!

The patterns for yesterday's fingerless mitts are:

"Veyla" on Ravelry
Welted Fingerless Gloves by Churchmouse Yarns

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