A Troy Middle School Student Will Be Home Schooled Instead of Being Expelled for Gun Possession.

A Troy Middle School Student Will Be Home Schooled Instead of Being Expelled for Gun Possession.

Technically he is doing public school at home, I REALLY wish they wouldn't refer to it as homeschooling. Homeschooling is not a punishment and it annoys the snot out of me that this article implies that it is.

I am still trying to figure out what he did that warranted being expelled.
Ryan Morgan said that on Nov. 15 he and another student heard that a gun had been stashed in a boys bathroom, finding it in a garbage can. Morgan reportedly put the gun in his pocket and then handed it over to an assistant principal about 10 minutes later in a cafeteria.
He found a gun, he turned it in, exactly what was wrong with that and how was anyone endangered by his actions?
When Ryan Morgan arrived home that day, he did not know that “he had been expelled,” she said. He provided “all the information that lead to the arrest of the other boy.” Asked what Morgan should have done, Izzo said he couldn’t discuss the case and instead said he could talk in generalities. A student “should immediately report finding a weapon” to a staff member of the school and “should not simply pick it up,” he said. “They should do the common sense thing. I know 13- and 14-year-olds are young persons. But they have a responsibility not to endanger other people.”
OK, let's talk in generalities what if instead of pocketing the gun and turning it into the assistant principal he had left it where he found it and gone to find the assistant principal to tell him where it was at. What if during this period someone else came along took the gun and shot students with it, would school officials still feel it was the "common sense" thing to do? It's a pity the board didn't display some common sense and reward the boy for doing the "right" thing. I am sure students got the message loud and clear if you find a gun, don't touch it, and don't report it cause you will get expelled. Just pretend like you didn't see it and all will be well or at lest you won't be expelled.

Why Homeschool also has a post on this incident entitled Forced to Homeschool.

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