A Welcomed Sight

A Welcomed Sight

One of my favorite things is to find our bees out pollinating our plantlife. A few of the apple trees have begun to bloom....and the bees went right to work.Although the next two pictures are blurry, they are an excellent illustration of how these bees carry pollen in their pollen baskets on their legs. You can see a yellow structure attached to each of her visible legs... This pollen is carried back to the hive and becomes an important source of protein for the bees.

- Of Birds And Bees
I have had so much fun this week watching the baby barn swallows. They have grown so big that they no longer all fit in the nest. Mama and Papa Swallow spend their entire day flying in and outbringing food to their hungry brood. I seriously don't...

- Swarm! (another Adventure In Beekeeping)
Someone once commented that my life is anything but boring.I would have to agree with that.It seems that every day brings some sort of adventure. Yesterday afternoon was quite exciting...heart-pounding exciting! Shortly before I was ready to go out for...

- To Bee Or Not To Bee
Whew!  Internet connection problems almost made it so that I would NOT BEE today!!  Sorry so late with the posting.  The bugs are all worked out.  Now on to the REAL bugs!.....Bees, that is Yesterday's temperate weather gave Hubbs...

- Adventures In Beekeeping
Imagine this....you are driving down the interstate in your Honda Element with at least 100 loose bees buzzing around the inside of the vehicle. Scary? Not really. Yesterday I drove about an hour and a half to an apiary. After attending a seminar on Sustainable...

- Honey Harvest.....sights And Sounds
Make sure your volume is turned up so that you can hear the bees. We have a hive open that has at least 60,000 bees living in it. Thanks to excellent bee suits, we completed our harvest without a single sting. Watch this video on Google to see our honey...

