A Wild and Wooly Weekend

A Wild and Wooly Weekend

The sun is shining...
the temperatures are rising...
and the snow is melting!

Although we are still covered in snow at the moment,
it is getting slushy and melting a little more each day.

Spring is just around the corner...
I can feel it.

I am energized once again,
almost giddy with anticipation.

It's been a long cold, snowy winter for the critters.
Their worlds have shrunk in the past three months...
each day lived out on a series of small paths through the snow.

I know that sunshine and green-ness are the cures for what ails us all!

This week the temperatures are not to fall below freezing at all...
and daytime highs will be in the 40's and 50's...
a sharp contrast to previous weeks.

After some considerations, Hubbs decided to invest in cross country skis for us both.
This is the time of year to make this kind of investment, the prices are way low!
Luckily our equipment arrived last week and I had the bindings attached on Friday.

This weekend gave us what might be our last chance to practice.
And practice we did...
up hills, across flat expanses, down hills.

I am amazed at how quickly they become natural...much easier that walking in the snow.
It had been many years since I last downhill skied,
but it didn't take long to get the hang of skiing down
hill on these.

This will be a fun, aerobic winter activity for us in the coming years.
Great fun!
Thanks, Hubbs.

The mail lady brought a surprise parcel this weekend, too...
a most thoughtful gift from a friend...

an adorable custom box with a drip spindle and wool roving.
Thanks, Joyce!
Now I am all ready to learn spinning...and ready to practice.
All we need now are for our two little lambs to be born and come to the farm to live!

PS....Jessica of "Blessings In The Country"....you are our gift card winner from
Friday's giveaway.  Email me with your email address and I will notify
dogfencediy.com to send you your card!!

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