About the Pictures

About the Pictures

Several of you asked how the pictures were done. Mommy has two settings on her camera that take "special pictures". This one was made using the color swap option. She swapped the pink part of the Azalea with the white part, for a very dramatic look.

This one was done using color enhance. She picked the color purple and everything that was purple showed up in color and everything else got turned to black & white. It looks pretty neat too.

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Mom was doing things with the camera again. This is the ornamental pepper. The only way she can get it to go in macro is to do color swap. Finally one of the pepper the right color. You can actually eat the pepper, but it is very HOT. It has delicate...

- Wild Bird And Wildflower Wednesday With Scylla
As part of my weight loss program I has been walking with Mommy. We see lots of interesting things. This is a MOCKINGBIRD, they are very rude birds that try to dive bomb me and Mommy. We has bobwhites too, but we haven't seen them. Mommy just hears...

- Purple
These azaleas are PURPLE, "Probably the most noted and planted cultivators of Indica Azaleas are ‘Formosa’ – magenta purple; ‘Pride of Mobile’". We thinks the Formosas are very pretty and they get really big. We have a huge one down at the pond....

- Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden Update
This is a flowering maple. Mommy likes the pretty yellow color. Here is an old~fashioned gladiola. Mommy needs to move it to the bulb bed this fall. Mommy & Daddy were going to do it this spring, but the warm weather got here too fast for them. ...

- Love My Camera
New camera I love my new camera! We went with the Canon Power Shot A710IS. This was my first choice so I was thrilled when Hubby gave it to me today. It takes wonderful pictures and is a great point and shoot. Since I am a point and shoot kinda gal...

