Alasandra's Book Club ~ Alexander Dumas

Alasandra's Book Club ~ Alexander Dumas

Lord Epa and I are doing a unit on Alexandre Dumas. Here is a list of the books we have read.

  1. The Corsican Brothers - the tale of twin brothers who share a mystical connection.
  2. The Count of Monte Cristo - this was the first book written by Alexandre Dumas that Lord Epa read and he enjoyed it enough to read the other books without complaint.
  3. The Works of Dumas -it's a collection of short stories and episodes. My favourite was The Blood Union, in which a woman gives a blood transfusion to her fiancee in order for him to live long enough to marry her.
  4. The Three Musketeers -The Three Musketeers plus D'Artagnan finally succeed in bringing the evil Lady de Winter to justice. Alas they are too late to save Constance, who is poisoned by the viper, Lady de Winter.
  5. Twenty Years After - the sequel to The Three Musketeers and as you can infer from the title it takes place twenty years after. Alas the four friends are on different sides. M. D'Artagnan and Porthos are Mazarinists and Aramis and Athos are Frondists. Lady de Winter's son, Mordaunt, is determined to seek revenge for his Mother's death. Eventually the four friends get together and attempt to save Charles I (King of England) life. Alas their plan fails and Charles is beheaded, but the Musketeers manage to foil Mordaunt's plan to blow them up (killing him in the process), D'Artagnan does get his promotion to Captain of the Guards and Porthos does become a Baron. At the end of the book the four friends part ways yet again, but Athos leaves his adopted son in D'Artagnan's care. Look for Raoul to play a bigger role in the next book in the series.
  6. The Man in the Iron Mask - OK this gets a little confusing. The Man in the Iron Mask is actually part of a novel called Le Vicomete de Bragelonne so the novel began with a synopsis of everything that happened in Le Vicomete de Bragelonne up till The Man in the Iron Mask. So here is the synopsis. Athos' adopted son Raoul de Bragelonne is engaged to Louise. Louise is having an affair with Louis XIV, so he sends Raoul to England. Henrietta countermands the order in an effort to get the King to herself. Athos berates Louis XIV for his conduct. Aramis has his eye on becoming Pope and is going to use the secret of the Man in the Iron Mask to do so, and then the novel begins............ Aramis has discovered that Anne of Austria had twins. One of the twins has been hidden away and imprisoned so that Louis XIV's throne would not be threatened. Aramis plans to free him. Aramis manages to replace the King with Philippe (his twin). Unfortunately when he reveals the plot to Monsieur Fouquet, Fouquet feels honor bound to rescue the King. Fouquet promises Aramis that he and Porthos (who was unwittingly involved) will be safe at Belle-Isle. So Aramis and Porthos flee leaving Philippe behind and Fouquet goes to Paris to free the King. Aramis and Porthos briefly visit Athos & Raoul who have a premonition they will never see them again. Raoul agrees to accompany Monsieur de Beaufort to Africa, before doing so he desires to say goodbye to D'Artagnan, Raoul & Athos find him on Ste. Marguerite's where D'Artagnan had been instructed to in-prison Philippe by the King. The King recalls D'Artagnan to Paris and sends him to arrest Monsieur Fouquet. Raoul leaves for Africa and Athos heads home. The King then sends D'Artagnan to take Belle-Isle, hampered in his efforts to help Aramis and Porthos he resigns. D'Artagnan is then taken prisoner and sent to Paris. Aramis and Porthos attempt to escape Belle-Isle by a secret cavern. Porthos dies in the escape attempt. He leaves everything he has to Raoul. Aramis escapes to Spain. The King refuses D'Artagnan's resignation. Raoul dies in Africa and Athos dies upon receiving the news of his son's death. 4 years later. Aramis is the Duc d' Almeda and comes to the court as the Spanish Ambassador (in good graces with the King; even though he is the one that caused all the trouble), Count D'Artagnan is made Marshall of France as he dies of a canon shot.

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