Alasandra's Book Club ~ Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen

Alasandra's Book Club ~ Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen

He made some valid points, although at times he was guilty of doing the same thing he accused textbooks of, only presenting one side of the issue. His exhortation to read more original documents is spot on, and thanks to the Internet easily done.

Some things to keep in mind when studying history. There is always at least two sides to every issue, by studying the issue from all the differing viewpoints you will have a better understanding of what happened, why it happened and what effects it had on future events. When possible read original documents. Allowing historical figures to speak for themselves gives you a better understanding of the person. At the same time you need an understanding of what was considered socially acceptable (even desirable) at the time that person lived. Behavior that today we would find appalling may have been commonplace even encouraged during that persons life time. We can not judge them by today's standards.

I also want to add that I do not believe teachers deliberately lie to their students. I agree that misinformation is passed on to students but often it is because the teachers themselves do not know better, not that they are deliberately lying to their students. Other times it is because the teacher is constrained by what the school board wants taught.

I am off to read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

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