Alasandra's Book Club - The Eagle by Jack Whyte

Alasandra's Book Club - The Eagle by Jack Whyte

Of all the Arthur series this is my favourite. It's poignantly sad, but romantic and sweet. Clothar discovers a long lost cousin, and saves him from dying of poison. Rescues his cousin King Brach of Benwick from a siege. And takes Gwinnifer to Gaul at Arthur's request.

- Farewells
Milo & Alfie lost their cousin Gorgeous Ginger Gizzy.  Mumsy and Fur Kids lost their Angel ...

- Alasandra's Book Club ~the End
No, not the end of the book club silly Book the Thirteenth in A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Really the ending is too dreadful to relate on my blog, you'll have to read the book, if you dare. Honestly it's full of despair and...

- Alasandra's Book Club - The Lost Colony
Shining Celebi, Lord Epa and I enjoy Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series, so it was with great pleasure that I realized a new book was out. Lord Epa got it for Christmas and I have been patiently waiting my turn to read it. It's great! As usual...

- Alasandra's Book Recommendations
Instapundit offers these book recommendation for kids in the intermediate and middle school grades. Alasandra adds these to the list. Harry Potter (series)Artemis Fowl (series), Eoin Colfer has also written other books that would be suitable for younger...

- This Is What Grounds Me
There are times when life is so busy....full calendars...days filled with activity...long lists of chores...busy-ness. What grounds me is this... My friends keep my feet on the ground.... my heart beating steadily... my blood pressure low... They...

