Alasandra's Place: Books read in January

Alasandra's Place: Books read in January

Alasandra's Place: Books read in January

- Alasandra's Place: Books I Read In February
What we have been reading Alasandra's Place: Books I read in February ...

- Alasandra's Place: Thirteen Books I Read Recently
If you want to know what we have been reading you can find out at Alasandra's Place: Thirteen Books I Read Recently ...

- Why Homeschool: Benjamin Franklin On One Of The First Public Libraries In America
Why Homeschool: Benjamin Franklin on one of the first public libraries in America When I was 15 or so we went to a very rural area where my Grandmother used to live when she was a little girl. A elderly man recognized her brother (my Great-Uncle) and...

- Alasandra's Book Club ~vendetta By Fern Michaels
Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the first two books in The Sisterhood Series. I had trouble getting into it, but I did enjoy it enough to plan on getting the other books in the series to read. In Vendetta (Book 3) Myra Rutledge gets...

- Winter Reading Challenge
From The Stacks If you are anything like me your stack of purchased to-be-read books is teetering over. So for this challenge we would be reading 5 books that we have already purchased, have been meaning to get to, have been sitting on the nightstand...

