All In A Day

All In A Day

I've got to tell you...
I love question and answer!
You help me think of things to write about with your questions.

Karen:  "Why are there marbles in the water container...for the chicks?"

I always put something in the water reservoir for newly hatched chicks...
marbles, clean stones, etc.
to keep the water shallow.
This helps to prevent accidental drowning of chicklets.

I am happy to say that all of my 41 little chicklets have survived their first 2 days 
on the farm.
They all seem to be thriving.

For now, they are living in a large box inside the brooder house,
with a heat lamp to keep them toasty warm.

When they are a little bigger, I will release them from the box and they will 
have the run of the coop.

Whenever I enter the brooder house, 
they scamper into a corner to hide from me.

Once relaxed, however, they spread out all over and eat and drink and 

They are so comical to watch at this age!

By this time next week they will have doubled in size.

Annie brings a whole new dimension to the farm...
sort of like the days of having a new baby in the house!

We are not getting as much done as usual around here...
our time is taken up by puppy love!

I stopped in the big arena yesterday while out doing chores
and found Dr. Becky working with Sid.

It's been a while since I posted pictures of Sid.

For those of you who are new to my blog,
Sid is Becky's off-track rescue horse,
who came to the farm skinny and sad...

That was a few years ago.
He has since learned to be a horse...a very happy horse,
and has become Becky's eventing horse...
mastering both Dressage and jumping!

With much love and many hours of training,
Sid has become an amazing, athletic horse...
a truly happy boy!  

And last, but not least, let's peek into the greenhouse....

so much happening here!
It won't be long until all of this will be transplanted into the garden...
for months of homegrown goodness on our plates!

- A Visit With Becky's Horses
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- Sometimes Happy Stories Have Sad Endings
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- Sad Stories....happy Endings
If you have followed my blog for a while,you will remember that two years ago (April 4th) Sid came to live on the farm.Sid is Becky's thoroughbred (retired race horse) who was very thinand very unhappy when he first came to the farm. Now after two...

- A Tale Of Two Sidneys
This the "tail" of a horse,a horse named Sidney. But really it is the tale of two horses.One horse.... a thoroughbred retired from racing....injured, thin, joyless.The second horse.... training to be an eventing horse.... fit, sound, and filled...

- A Love Story
This is Sid.Sidney. Sidney is a 5 year old, off-the-track thoroughbred,that Becky brought home to the farm this past Spring.(Becky or "Dr. Becky" is Hubbs sister, and shares our farmland.) When Sid arrived he was underweight, injured...a very sad horse...

