All The News That's Fit To Print

All The News That's Fit To Print

After the rains and snow that September and October treated us to,
it is almost surreal to experience the beautiful week we had had so far.
Indian Summer.
I love it.

Remember how yesterday I said that Autumn is a season of preparation?
Well, this week I have been "preparing" from sun up to sun-down.

My garden boxes are empty, weeded, and ready to mulch.
Becky and I have spread manure on the hayfield.
Today we take delivery on an extra 300 bales of hay.
 Following a trip to the feed store, our feed barrels are filled to the top, too.

It has been such a treat spending all day out of doors, without even a jacket!

Work on the riding arena continues.

It has been a while since I have talked about the goats and their "dating".
After spending two weeks with O'Malley, Sally, and Sissy,
we have had to move Smoochie back to the buck pen.

Sadly, he was not able to complete the task of impregnating the girls.
They were in heat...
he tried...
and then he stopped trying.
Then they were back in heat.

So, instead of Smoochie, we have placed Chip in with the gals.

He has happily done his job in short order.

If you have read my blog for the past year, 
you will remember that the same thing happened last year.

Looks like Ole Smooch is headed for castration....
no sense in carrying around equipment that doesn't work!

Back in the buck pen,
Smoochie and Skip are under the influence of testosterone...
bashing their heads together.

Stupid boys!

Speaking of boys....
Here are Ollie and Sammy in their usual
"sniff each other quietly"...
(ahh, how sweet)

that soon turns into this....
with both boys running wildly around the dry lot
in a rowdy game of chase.

Crazy boys!

I have gotten a few requests for video of the pigs so that you can hear them.
Turn your sound on.
Here they are.....
Ginger and MaryAnn asking for their supper....

Loaded into a little cage on the back of the gator,
(it's the only way I can carry two pigs at the same time)

and we head back to their stall in the barn where dinner awaits.
When the girls get too big for me to lift,
we will use a harness and lead to walk to their yard.
For now, though, they get taxi service.
And by the way, they have grown a bit in the week they have been with us.
PS....they eat like pigs!

- Grammie And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
I have been accused of exuding a little too much positivity from time to time.Today I will completely undo that.You see, every once in a while a day comes along that tries my soul.Not just a when the dogs get sprayed by a skunk...but a little...

- A Crime Of Passion
Smilin' Jill has a story to's a story of intrigue, and crimes of passion! The scene....(the buck's pen) The perpetrators...(Smoochie, Skip and Chip) The innocent vixens....(Missy and Nettie B.) The climax....(Smoochie's castration)...

With the end of the summer comes the beginning of "rut" season for the goats.Rut is the male equivalent of being "in heat".It is during this time that air quality around the farmstarts to take on a musky quality....due mostly to the buck's urinating...

- Goat Rodeo
Yesterday was goat relocation day.The bucks were moved from their summer pasture to their winter quarters.They have spent many months in their summer pasture,and the pasture needs a rest.(Pasture rotation helps to decrease parasites.) Relocation first...

- Smoochie's Fascination
For the past several days, when I am out for the morning feed, I have noticed that Smoochie (one of our fainting goat bucks) has been blubbering at the fence beside the chicken yard. "Blubbering" is a mating ritual for male goats. When they are desirous...

