An Ordinary Day With Extras

An Ordinary Day With Extras

Yesterday was like any other day,
but not.

The morning sun rose...setting a small blaze on the horizon...for just an instant.

Morning chores brought a deep chill to my bones.
It's spring, yet the thermometer still reads in the 20s at this time of day.

There were extras, however, that set this day apart from others.

Like... awakening at 3 AM in the midst of a wedding nightmare.
I am sure I will have more of these...
but, it's THE DAY...and of course I am not anywhere near ready.
Needless to say, I did not go back to sleep, but rather, got up
showered, and worked my way through a pile of ironing.
I attacked morning chores a little earlier than usual...
cleaning up manure in the dry lot to the dim light of a few barn spotlights.

My morning and early afternoon were spent in a four hour trip out the PA turnpike
to return my father-in-law to his wife after a weekend spent with us.

Upon my return home, I headed for the greenhouse to check on my seedlings.
Last time I looked there was nothing but soil in the pots.
This time....

Spring was busting out all over!!

I spent about an hour filling more trays with soil and seeds...
gently watering them and placing them on heat mats.

Afternoon chores were done.
Pigs' hooves were trimmed.
Horses were wormed.

There is nothing more fun than chasing 7 equines around the dry lot to worm them.

"Yuck!"....they all were unanimous on that point!

By 8 PM I was sound asleep on the couch...
a very long and busy day.

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