Another Cute Kid Video!

Another Cute Kid Video!

If anyone reading this post has the ability to slow time,
please do so!

I'd have to say that life on the farm is almost perfect...
except for the fact that there is never enough time in any given day....
with every passing year time ticks aways just a little faster!

Spending some time in the goat maternity ward made me think of this today.

It's hard to believe that just a little over one week ago
our baby goats were born.

And now....
they're having "sleep-overs"!
And their poor "helicopter" mothers keep hovering around bleating warnings of
"be careful" and "don't venture too far".
I could swear I heard one of the mothers, under her breath, utter
"Don't grow up so quickly!"

Now, about those "sleep-overs"...

Each of our Mama goats has her own stall.
Each stall is equipped with a little blue warming hut for the kids.

For some reason, Sally's little buckling (and only child) has decided
that it is much more fun to sleep with Sissy's triplets.
(That's him on the far right.)

And so, all four goaties cram themselves into a single hut for sleepy times....
much to Sally's chagrin...
for up to this point her little "Manny" would curl up and sleep with his Mama.

Kids just grow up way too fast!

The kids have discovered "the fort" and have now made it the center of their playtime.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
I sure hope wherever you are you are enjoying the promise of Spring.
Last night I heard my first Spring peeper...
an awesome sound!!
See you Monday, I hope, for more "tails" from the farm.
Have a great weekend!

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