

Austin from Herman's Hideaway left for the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly. Karen Jo and his fur sibling miss him very much especially his special pal Rocio.

- Herman
Our friend Herman from Herman's Hideway ran off to The Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly. We would like to express our condolences to his family Karen Jo (his Mom) and fur siblings Spyro and Oja ...

- Rip Monty
Monty from Millie's House has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. For Monty's Mom Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There...

- Farewell To Trapper & Toby
 Trapper who lived at Whiskers Messages From a Church Cat had to go to the Rainbow Bridge, unexpectedly. His cats and humans miss him a lot. Toby who has been battling the evil spinal myleopathy dragon for awhile fought the final battle and has...

- Requiem For Whiskers
Whiskers Whiskers left us a year ago today. My heart is sad that he is no longer with me but I hope he is having a wonderful time with Snowball, Dingo and Squalling Baby. And one day I hope we are all together again. Whiskers you will always be a part...

- Fun Stuff
American Cities That Best Fit You: 70% Austin 65% Miami 60% Denver 60% Seattle 55% Honolulu Which American Cities Best Fit You?I would have put San Diego on the list as I loved it there. I would take Miami off the list as I don't care for it...

