Baby, Its Hot Outside!

Baby, Its Hot Outside!

I have come to notice that the bees act as a thermometer. A few weeks ago, I published a picture of how they hang outside their hive on a hot day, cooling themselves. What I have come to notice is that the hotter it is outside, the more bees are on the outside of the hive.

Here is what the hive looked like when it was in the 80's:
Here is how it looked this week when the temperature hit the 90's:
Amazing, huh? I am still waiting to see if we will be able to harvest any honey this summer. With the long string of rainy days that we had this spring, the bees got off to a very slow start. Honey production has increased these past two months; but not enough, yet, for the bee's winter supply. Once I am sure that they have enough for themselves, I will harvest any additional honey for our own consumption.

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