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Back to Farm Life

It didn't take long to get back into the groove of farm life and farm work. It felt so good to get up early and hit the ground running as usual. The sunrise was and glowing....a prelude to a seasonably warm and sunny day.
For the past several months I have noticed a stray cat running from the barn at different times of the day when I would approach. We have nicknamed this kitty "Boots" because of his/her
white legs. Apparently, when we are not around the barn, Boots visits the other cats and helps himself to their dry cat food. Yesterday morning he became a bit more brazen and stopped near the barn to lie in the warm sun for a while.
He is quite a lovely cat....and I am hoping that someday he will come to trust us enough to let us get close to him.

Yesterday was a big day for our flock of guineas. They finally ventured away from the goat pens. Actually, they left the farm altogether....Becky spotted them way down the road (in the middle of the road, of course). That is, all but two of them.....because the two remaining guineas had gotten themselves trapped in the chicken yard.
I watched as they ran around the chicken yard, sounding their cries of alarm, until finally one figured out how to fly out of the wire mesh on the roof.
Eventually, the second one joined him. It's so hard for a couple of guineas to function alone....when most of their shared "half a brain" is a mile down the road.
Happily, I can report that all guineas returned to their own yard by supper time.

- Wanted: Guinea Herder
The chicklets remain safe and sound...tucked away in a warm and safe part of the barn. It still remains a mystery what got into the brooder house.  That henhouse is for all intents and purposes tight as a drum...unless something burrowed under one...

- Sunrise, Sunset
Yesterday was one of those days when I was lucky enough to be outsideboth at sunrise and at sunset.And let me tell you, both were spectacular!Sadly, I did not have my camera with me for sunrise.But yesterday evening.... The sun set with a promise of...

- Important Duties
I posted a picture a few months back of a lovely cat who lives on our farm. We call her boots, because of the white sock on each of her legs. She is not one of our barn kitties (well, not officially), but she eats her meals in the barn (she's quite...

- And Then There Were Five
It seems that so much of our life on the farm revolves around our feathered friends...and trying to keep them alive. This week I noticed that our guinea troup is dwindling. We now have only five of our lovely, tick-eating "farm alarms" remaining. This...

- It's A Dirty Job
But, somebody's got to do it!! Yes, those are our guinea fowl on the manure pile. Can you think of a better place to look for a tasty meal? We keep a steady supply of guinea fowl on the farm because of their love for the taste of insects...particularly...

