Bangs and Eyelashes are Highly Over-rated

Bangs and Eyelashes are Highly Over-rated

I would love to say that this weekend was completely calm and quiet
 for us here on the farm...

and by all outward appearances it was just that.

I frizzled off the bangs on the right side of my face...
along with the eyelashes!
NO! No pictures!
In an attempt to burn up the wood scraps left over from work on the old log cabin,
we started a burn barrel on Saturday.
I'll spare you the details (mostly because you might think me insane),
but, lets just say that the beginning of the fire was a...
Goodbye bangs and lashes.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
(I ordered a tube of lash me vain.)

Maddie has lost the strength in her back legs.

We have her on fairly high doses of Prednisone.
Friday was a bad day, since then it has gotten a little better.
Every day is a waiting game.
Everyday is filled with prayers and hope.
All the while we know what looms around the corner.
For now, though, we just give it more time.
There is no suffering or pain... no torture for our old gal.
Thank you for caring so much about our old friend.
And for those of you who have or are experiencing the same with furry friends of your own...
I share your pain.

Life goes on, however...and there is so much more life here at the farm.
I wanted to share a couple of funny chicken things with you.

First...notice the one white feather in George's tail...pretty fancy!
It's quite special to have a whole gang of roosters "cock-a-doodle-doo"-ing
all around one's house!

Our Roos, because their house is so close to ours,
spend quite a bit of time around out log home...
in and out of the garage, gardens, walkways.

This picture just tickled my funny bone a little...
as if those silly Roos (as per the sign) consider themselves to be "guests".
"Uh, yeah, guys...this is where we're supposed to go!"

Just to show you how smart chickens are....
You might remember that Rose and Ivanka, my elderly chickens, live in the barn now.
And Milford, on his frequent visits to the barn, has requested conjugal visits with the gals.

Sadly, Milford does not seem to understand the meaning of "no",
so the gals have come up with a creative way to avoid his advances.

They hide inside this wire pumpkin...

a sort of chicken chastity belt!

" at last!"

I always say...animals are smarter than we think!

- A Tidbit As Promised
Just a quickie update on our dear Rosalie.(You remember...she is our elderly chicken who was almost pecked to an early demise.) Rosalie is doing quite nicely, living at the barn.In fact, she has a suitor... Milford!It seems our handsome Milford...

- Milford Makes A Move
Cattywhompus.Discombobulated. (Off-kilter, odd, disorderly, not quite right, bizarre) Both of these are fun words, and words that I don't have to use much(thankfully) with regards to the farm. Today, however, they are the perfect descriptors...

- This Is What We Call The Muppet Show!!!!
I have to tell you...I am happily riding along in the ebb and flow of farm life once again. Up with the sun (and the rooster's crow),I pull on my jeans and tee shirt and head out for a day of farm chores...happier than a pig in mud! The farm is...

- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- Crazy Roosters
This story is unedited and told in the words of a very little horse-boy named Ollie. If you've ever had little boys, you will remember that they have their own unique sense of humor. Hello everybody! My name is Oliver Twist....but everybody calls...

