

Did you know?
In Britain, long before America came into existence, there was a hospital
that ministered to the poor.  It was named Bethlehem, which in Hebrew meant "house of bread".
The name was shortened to Bedlam.
Bedlam eventually became a hospital for the insane, 
and eventually all psychiatric hospitals were referred to as Bedlam.
In modern times bedlam came to mean the "scene of uproar or confusion".

I tell you, it's bedlam around the chicken coops these days.

The French gals (my Cuckoo Marans) have taken to laying 
their eggs in the most unorthodox places...

on the work bench...

on top of the refrigerator....
(not the safest place)

in the trash can....

I discovered this gal when Sam was standing on his hind legs peering down into the can.

I wondered if she would be able to get out again.
She did.
Of course.

The Frenchies have taken over the barn.
They run amuck and leave their calling cards all over the place.


Then there are the youngsters that were hatched in July.
Two weeks ago I moved them into the upper henhouses.
I kept them all inside their yard for nearly a week,
so that they would understand that was their new home.
This amount of time should get them used to roosting in their new digs each night.

You would think they would get with the program.
But alas...
yesterday morning I had 10 hens to round up.
They had stayed out partying all night.
Oh....the youth of today!

So, needless to say,
they are on coop arrest.
They will have to remain in their own yard 
until I am certain they will return to their coop to roost each evening.

I am all for free ranging, but I hate to lose hens to night time predators.

That about describes our chicken coops right now.

Oh, and I forgot to mention.
The first morning after I had allowed the newest hens to free range,
I found one who had bunked down with the Frenchies in the coop by the barn...
which is about 200 yards away from the upper coops where the newbies live.


Last week I posted a picture of our newest barn cat.
Meet Sophia.

She is a lovely cat who spends most of her days hiding beneath the barn rafters.
Sophia, after Sophia Loren,
(the black eyeliner is the key)
will be neutered along with Leo.
We are a kitten free barn!
And goodness knows, we need no more cats!

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- Chicken Movers
Yesterday was a big day for Rod Stewart and his hens.This group of chickens has called the chicken house and yard by the barn homefor the past 4 years.Yesterday was moving day. We decided that in preparation for housing our new young henswe would need...

- Good Night
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- Hen Party
Yesterday was a big day in the chicken pen.The hens were all a twitter...squawking and clucking...  first about the fact that they were not allowed outside their yard,and second because eleven new girls moved into their coop. The chicks that I bought...

- Chicken Lovers And Pigs' Feet
You might remember last summer...I raised two new groups of hens. The first group were the Frenchies (Cuckoo Maran hens)who included one orange Polish Crested Rooster named Henri,and who were moved into the henhouse by the barn at about three months...

- What To Do About Rod!
Well, the routine with Rod Stewart has been the same each day. Every morning, as the sun rises....I open the door to the fancy chickens' coop so that they can spend the day in their yard. As the door opens, they all rush out, with the exception of...

