Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes

Have you ever seen such beautiful blue eyes before?
Although this picture is a bit out of focus...I wanted you to see just how wonderful Red's eyes are. Our neighbors suggested that he has the eyes of a carousel horse. Ollies eyes are blue, but not nearly as big as Red's eyes.

The Littles have settled into a routine and are wonderful additions to the farm. They are inseparable, while still retaining a close attachment to us, their human parents. I cannot imagine life without them. They are totally comfortable around the dogs, and the dogs are comfortable with them, too. Although I keep them in a fenced pasture when I am not with them; they roam freely when I am around and have no desire to run away. They are two gentle souls who are quite content with their lives. I just love them!

- Fenris Friday
I have been told my blue eyes will get me anything from the ladies. Event he feline ones. So I am working my blue eyes for a treat. I thinks Mommy should give me and Tui some of the homemade Vanilla Ice-Cream that is in the freezer. What do you think?...

- Fun Stuff
Your Eyes Should Be Violet Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passionWhat Color Should Your Eyes Be? ...

- New Blood
Introducing....Mo Jo Risin....our newest addition to our fainting goat breeding stock. Mo Jo came to us this weekend from Virginia. He is just 10 weeks old. He is a tri-color buckling with mostly blue eyes (there is also some marbling around the edges...

- First Triplets, Now Twins!!!
Myrtle delivered twins on Saturday black and white with blue eyes and one tricolor with blue eyes. Mama and babies are all doing great. Oh my, they are sooooo cute!! Smoochie is the proud Papa....

- New Kids On The Block!
Hooray! At long last, Jill and Chip's babies have arrived. Jill delivered triplets doeling and two bucklings. All three are black and white like their parents and have blue eyes like their daddy. More pictures to come later today!...

