Blue Skies, Sun, and Icicles

Blue Skies, Sun, and Icicles

Yesterday afternoon as the dogs and I moved about the farm...
feeding animals, gathering eggs, filling water buckets and cleaning manure,
I was enthralled with the positively beautiful weather.

The sun was out and the thermometer had hit a high of 28 degrees (F).
Could I have imagined last summer that I would eventually regard
a 28 degree day as warm?

Today's pearl of wisdom is this:  it's all relative!
To you all in So. Cal., 28 seems frigid.
To my Canadian friends, a heat wave!

For me.... I was just happy to see the sun shining...
blue skies are a wonderful backdrop for photographing my friends!

We've had snow on the ground since New Year's...
and every couple of days we get a few new inches
just to keep things looking crisp and fresh.

The garden with its snow covered boxes looks like an above-ground cemetery.
I prefer the summer look when each box bursts with color!

The pond is almost entirely frozen...

except for one small circle...

the ducks' "hot tub" where they splash and swim on this balmy afternoon.

With the sun shining, Ginger and MaryAnn finally emerge from their bed of hay.
(It must be nice to be able to just eat your bed!)

MaryAnn enjoys her afternoon "Big Gulp"!

On this day, with the sun shining, and the warmth of 28 degrees,
I'm kind of loving the snow.
Other days... not so much.

I have a lot to keep me busy indoors this winter,
so... when the chores are done, we are back inside.
The dogs.....
Sammy sleeping in front of the fire...

Oakley on his favorite chair...

Annie, yawning, on the couch
(it's a tough life!)

while I busily keep working on housework, wedding favors, and knitting and sewing projects...
a pot of ham/potato soup cooking on the stove for dinner.

All in all.... a pretty good day!

We talked yesterday about how my equines grow such thick winter coats.
Here is a great illustration of that.
Scarlet, happily munching her lunch, is quite fluffy...

so fluffy that you cannot even see the space between her legs.
It's totally filled with fluffy fur!
We are definitely going to have to shave that gal's legs before swim suit season arrives!
(not to mention putting her on a diet!)

Another question that I received weeks ago asked if we go to the Pennsylvania State Farm Show.
We have, in the past, attended.... but not in the last few years.
The conversation at home goes like this:

Hubbs:  "Do you want to go to the Farm Show?"
Me:  "Why?.....we live the farm show!"
(or vice-versa)

We have never entered any of our animals in the farm show, either.
I would prefer to never take the animals off the farm and expose them to pathogens
that might be carried by others' animals.
So..... we stay home and have our own farm show all year long!

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