Bob is My Co-Pilot

Bob is My Co-Pilot

You've all seen them.....those tractor trailers on the road that boast "God is my co-pilot". While I don't refute that claim....I have to admit that my co-pilot is much less grandiose. On those trips into the pasture to clean up horse manure, my co-pilot is none other than Bobby the Fearless.
We will remove "fear of riding in gators" from the Bobby's list of Potential Cat Fears. I have discovered that Bobby has a "need for speed".

Actually, now that I think about it....he must consider me his co-pilot.....seeing how he gravitates toward the driver's seat.

- Lunar Module Pilot Speaks To Students
Astronaut Fred Haise paid the children of St. Martin Upper Elementary an out-of-this-world visit to speak about his lifetime of adventures. Haise, 73, entertained the fourth-graders Thursday with tales of his trip into space as the lunar module pilot...

- Quiet Autumn Days
It's three o'clock in the afternoon.Afternoon chores are finished. The horses are finishing their afternoon "snack". They don't really get an afternoon feeding, but I often spread just a little hay aroundto make them think that they are....

- Pests
Every afternoon for the past couple of weeks,as I enter the upper chicken houses to gather eggs,I am greeted by a flock of Grackles hastily exiting the chickenhouse as I open the door.Each time it happens, I am expecting it...but am startled none-the-less....

- I'll Follow You Anywhere
The Littles and the barn kitties have all become the best of friends. TomTom has taken to napping in a corner of the Littles' stall. Bobby has decided that it is his job to lead the Littles back to the barn. Quite often Red tries to take Bobby's...

- Welcome Bobby
Please welcome the newest member of the Bee Haven Acres Barn Kitty team......Bobby. This handsome guy came to us today after a phone call from Doctor Becky. It seems one of her clients was elderly and had this cat who was just a little too playful for...

