Boos and Hisses for NBC and The Office

Boos and Hisses for NBC and The Office

Read Parker's Post Perfectly Parker: Thursday Thirteen - Things you can tell NBC#links

How awful that someone thought killing a cat ( a poor defenseless animal) was funny.

We learned from Mr. Hendrix that part of the plot involved Dwight killing his girlfriends cat. Not funny. Not funny at all. I would like to suggest thirteen things that we should tell NBC about that type of "humor."

We are going to go tell NBC how disgusted with them we are right now. If you want to join us in telling NBC how not funny animal abuse is click here.

~Alasandra (our Mommy), Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

- Funny Friday (in Memory Of Texas)
Let's do the Hokey Pokey!Let's do the Hokey Pokey!Let's do the Hokey Pokey!That's what it's all about. We are posting this funny picture of Scylla in memory of Texas and his Funny Picture Friday contest. You can click here to see...

- It's Charybdis' Turn ~ 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
Tigger and Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective tagged us for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme!The rules are easy! Just link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random weird facts about yourself....

- Perfectly Parker: Thursday 13 - Project Ham!
Perfectly parker: Thursday 13 - Project HAM! This is a really good cause. We are going to see what we can do to help out later. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh! ...

- Thursday 13 ~ #8
Thirteen Things about People Born in February Clark Gable - As a teen I had a crush on Gable. Gone With the Wind was my favourite movie, but I would stay up late to watch any movie he was in. I have a coffee cup with Clark Gable as Rhett Butler on...

- Thursday 13 ~1
Thirteen Things about AlasandraI live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.I homeschool my youngest son, Lord Epa.My eldest son, Shining Celibi, is in college (he started college at 16).I like to try new recipes (to the dismay of my family).I love butterflies.I...

