

The word for today is "Brrrrrrrrr."
Is that a word?

Ole Man Winter has his icy grip around us.
Temperatures with the wind factored in are plummeting below zero today, I'm told.
That's cold....
dangerously cold.  

Heat lamps are on.
Extra hay provisions are doled out.

The cold doesn't seem to bother the equines.... although I always worry.
So, I over-feed them to keep their internal furnaces fueled.
We'll all need diets in the spring!

The pigs, I know, will stay in under their heat lamp.
Here's a glimpse of one of yesterday's visits....

I'm not sure who is happiest... Amanda, or


If you happen to be one of those people who question whether animals feel emotion,
just look again at this picture.
This pig is smiling; there is no doubt!
She was snuggled in against Amanda just as happy as could be.

Tell me... when is the last time you spooned with a pig?

So, I have to confess.
Frigid winter temperatures have turned me into a sewing maniac.

I have been quilting like a mad woman....
quilts in wild colors and bizarre sizes.
These are one of a kind... I used no pattern, but made them up as I went.

And when I close my eyes I see visions of quilts yet to be made.

For whom am I making quilts? - you ask...
remembering that I just finished making quilts for every member of my family for Christmas.

I'll be darned if I know. 
I suppose I had better sell these to support what is turning into an addiction.
So, if you see any that strike your fancy....
email me and we can discuss price.

I finished this one yesterday, and still need to quilt and bind it.

- St. Martin Upper Elementary
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- Indoor Gardening
With the arrival of the new year,we have been plunged into frigid winter least for the time being. Dressing to go out to do farm chores reminds me of how my Mom used to bundle me up to play in the snow when I was a very little girl.I have...

