Cat Tales

Cat Tales

It has always been my impression that cats are at least mildy afraid of water...or perhaps just averse to it. That doesn't seem to be the case with TomTom or Bobby. Both of them are always right there with their faces in the buckets as we are filling them to run water to the chickens in the morning.
There are water bowls for the cats on the workbench in the barn right next to their food. For some reason, though, they prefer to get their drinks from the horses' buckets.

It seems that Bobby likes a challenge. I found him walking the Bigs' water trough like a tight rope.
Not nervous at all about the volume of water that he was reaching down towards.....
He stretched even farther......still just a little beyond his reach. Well, there has to be some place for a really thirsty cat to get a drink! How about the Littles' water? Much better....much easier to reach. It's good to have at least two feet on the ground! Who needs feet on the ground?Meanwhile in the barn....TomTom had found the Littles' indoor water bucket. Such thirsty kitties!

- Molting Chickens And Other Curiosities
See the button on the right....and join my friends and I forFarm Friends Friday! Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Molting Chickens Yesterday's post prompted several questions about molting chickens. There is nothing more shocking to a new...

- Cat Naps
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- Cat Tales....olympic Training Camp
Yes, it's Olympic training time here at the farm. This year TomTom has decided to try out for the Olympic diving team! I know this because I caught him practicing. Unfortunately, I can only share the "after" picture with you. The action happened...

- I'll Follow You Anywhere
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- Frog Dodging, And Other Farm Games
Last call for the night is right after sunset. We head out to the barn and tuck in the horses. Fresh hay for all....check water supply.....clean poop.....kiss goodnight X 4 and then out to close up the chickens and guineas...who have found their way into...

