Catdance Finalist 2014: The Inheritance

Catdance Finalist 2014: The Inheritance

If you'd like to vote for The Inheritance, please visit this link:

We would be really happy if you voted for our friends. We thinks their video is hilariously  funny and very meow worthy and bark worthy too. ~ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
I wonder what the Veterinarian is doing with the hair she stole from me and Fenris. They stole hair from my legs and his head. This is very weird if you ask me. At least they didn't send me home with a lamp shade on my head. Thank Dog for small mercies....

- Highland Games
We are taking the day off to join the Highland Games in Celebration of Kyla's life. She was recently diagnosed with cancer and we don't know how much longer she will be with us but we all want her to know how much she is LOVED by all of blogville....

- Dr. Seuss Day
Socks RocksSocks can pick locksGo on walksSet your clocksEnjoys talksand stalksdocks and likes his water on the ROCKS! Tuiren Hello to you, My nickname is Tui. I went to a fancy do, with Roo. A lot of other girls came too. Soon I will be two. what's...

- Jan's Funny Farm: Eow And Rescue
JFF has two worthy causes they are asking that you consider voting for please read Jan's Funny Farm: EOW and Rescue to find out more. ...

- Proficiency For All Is An Oxymoron
Education Week points out that 'Proficiency for All' Is an Oxymoron. The No Child Left Behind Act requires all students to be proficient by 2014. This is widely understood to be unattainable because 2014 is too soon. But there is no date by which...

