Caturday Artwork - Starring Socks

Caturday Artwork - Starring Socks

 Here Socks is in an Alternate Universe. Mommy used foil chrome to get this affect.

 Mommy used back-lighting here to get Socks face more in focus.

 This is a pencil sketch.

And this was done using charcoal. Which do you like best? ~ATCAD
An InLinkz Link-up

- Caturday Art With Yin
 I like playing with balls so much, Mommy made it rain balls.  A pencil sketch.  Infared  Cartoon. I has to say I look rather retro in this picture. Sponge painting. Yin, modeling for ATCAD An InLinkz Link-up ...

- Caturday Art
Yin is visiting an alternate universe. Isn't it funny how it turned her furs partially white. Here she is with some bubbles. Scylla with colored pencil Haven't got a clue what Mom did here but Yin looks pretty as a picture. Here Mommy made a blurry...

- Caturday Art
 Yang in Sepia .  And do you know who this is? Did we fool you? It's Yang. We are using the foil app for this picture.  This is Yin, we are using soft focus here. And here we added some texture. ~ATCAD An InLinkz Link-up ...

- Caturday Art With Scylla
Well here I am in an alternate universe. I thinks maybe I am a Super Heroine. Well it certainly looks like a dark and stormy night here even though it was really mid day, don't ask us how Mommy did this, she hasn't got a clue. Pencil sketch of...

- Caturday Art
Mommy did some back lighting on this picture. Interesting look the colors are certainly vibrant. She combined tiling with brush strokes here. This is the same picture, this time it got enameled. And this is the same picture in pencil. ~Socks, reporting...

