Caturday Starring Yang

Caturday Starring Yang

 We hope you aren't tired of us. Scylla says we have been hogging the blog. We can't help it we are majorly CUTE.  In the first picture we used Infrared.

 All of the pictures are a variation of this one, Which is the original. Mommy wishes my eyes were this color blue. We have no clue why they showed up blue. Mommy says camera geeks could probably tell us. My eyes are actually green.

 Colored pencil.


We cropped this picture and edited out Fenris dog toy.  ~Yang, posing for ATCAD

An InLinkz Link-up

- Caturday Art With The Yoga Kittens & Scylla
YinWe started out with some pencil sketches. Yang Then Mommy decided to do a light show. Yin looks as if she belongs in a magic act. She turned it black and white. She decided to paint us. Then she decided to do cartoon. Sepia More painting. And...

- Fenris Friday
 I actually am getting to do a post. I went introduced myself to Chimera. She is very friendly, we touched noses and then she tried to play with my tail. Yang and Youngest Boy were being silly. Yang likes to climb all over him. ~Fenris, reporting...

- Caturday Art
Yin is visiting an alternate universe. Isn't it funny how it turned her furs partially white. Here she is with some bubbles. Scylla with colored pencil Haven't got a clue what Mom did here but Yin looks pretty as a picture. Here Mommy made a blurry...

- Caturday Art
 Yang in Sepia .  And do you know who this is? Did we fool you? It's Yang. We are using the foil app for this picture.  This is Yin, we are using soft focus here. And here we added some texture. ~ATCAD An InLinkz Link-up ...

- Caturday Artwork With Yin & Yang
We used infrared to get this effect. Yang in the shoe. Yin in the shoe, the camera reveals one of Yin's secrets. Do you know what it is. This is some flowers that Mommy did seamless tiling on. and the same flowers as a kaleidoscope. Yin got the mosaic...

