Congrats to Youngest Boy Bean

Congrats to Youngest Boy Bean

Youngest Boy Bean gets his BA degree today, we are very proud of him.
Congratulations Youngest Boy Bean
We Love you,

Socks, Scylla, Fenris & Tuiren
(and Mr Who loves you 2)

- Scylla Sunday
I am so glad youngest boy bean is home. He gives the best snuggles. And he sleeps nearly as much as I do. It's much easier to keep him in bed then it is Mommy, she is always mumbling stuff like rise in shine, and don't waste the sunshines. Me...

- Wound Up Wednesday
Most of you know I enjoy hanging out in the Hummingbird Cottage. It is usually nice, peaceful and safe................. But sometimes my sanctuary is threatened by........................... A FedEx deliveryman. Then I has to hide under Daddy's shop....

- Mancat Monday ~ Sharing The Bed With Scylla
 Mommy hasn't made up the bed yet. I am enjoying the nice flannel sheets. I thinks RED shows off my furs nicely and looks like Christmas.  Scylla is on the bed too, but SHE is on the electric blanket.  I is resting up, I saw Daddy get...

- Scylla On Sunday With Fenris
Sunday is a fun day. I am relaxing in the jungle gym, soaking up some rays. I love the sunshine. Fenris is playing soccer with youngest boy bean. I can watch the game from my perch on the roof. So far youngest boy bean appears to be winning. Maybe I...

- First (robotics)
Youngest Boy bean is at the First Robotics Competition in Atlanta. You can watch it here. They are through for today, but they will be back on Friday & Saturday. Boy Bean is in the Galileo Division he is a member of #364. We watched it on the puter...

