Control Freak

Control Freak

If you've read my blog for a while,
you might have figured out that I like a certain amount of control in my world.
And if there is one thing that farm life has taught me...
it's that there isn't much in life over which we actually have any control at all.

Number one on the list of uncontrollable?
The weather!
It's raining cats and dogs here today (and yesterday).
Underground springs are bubbling up to the surface and water is running everywhere.

Some of us don't have a choice, and must venture out in the rain to work.'s amazing how big one's nose looks at this angle!
Others, have a choice and chose the wet.

Some don't even seem to notice.

Others prefer the warm and dry and request room service.

Others won't venture out...

 until it's dry.

The second lesson that farm life has taught me?
If you can't control it...
embrace it!

Meanwhile, the greenhouse is full of plants that are ready to go into the garden.

Our nights are still too cold,

so it will be a couple of weeks until we are free from the threat of frost.

Actually, the lettuce and broccoli above will go into the ground as soon as the rain stops.

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