Curiosities and Silliness

Curiosities and Silliness

Why does it seem that so many of my tales have to do with birds?
Well, I guess if you have 100 birds...
(OMG, I have 100 birds?)
stuff happens!

So, here goes....
a few observations.

Our ducks have maintained their flock of 18 all summer.
Each night we herd them back into the safety of their "hut".
This seems to be the solution to the problem of predators,
at least those that go bump in the night!

Each morning I open up the door to the hut,
and 18 ducks scamper back out onto the pond,

leaving behind several of these.... 

They are laying 2 to 8 eggs daily
in assorted colors.... 

and assorted sizes.... 

I have noticed lately that Ivanka, 
my Transylvanian naked neck chicken (turken)
spends quite a lot of time hanging out by the turkey pen.

Do you suppose she knows how much she resembles a turkey? 

I thought I would update you on Eileen.
Yesterday, she was feeling a little broody.
This is the first time I have seen her nesting
since her surgery.

Her surgical incision is healed,
but once again her foot is swollen and warm. 

She stands on her good foot... 

but, uses the "bumblefoot" when walking.
I guess for now I will continue to watch her.
Oh, the worrying I have done over this gal! 

Oh, and while we are on the subject of chickens,
I have to tell you...
The Frat Pack is out of control!

They can be found hanging out by the farmhouse
all day long.  In the garage, under the deck, 
under the bird feeders...

And, just in case you have heard enough about the birds,
here are a couple more curious things.

Did I mention that TomTom is one cool cat?
There is nothing more interesting than the barn 
refrigerator...filled with eggs!

Ok, now for something really curious.

Jill, one of our fainting goats has something to show you!

"Jill, quit grinning
 and show the nice people
 your tongue!" 

Have you ever seen a grey tongue before?
Jill loves to show hers!

I suppose that's enough silliness for one day,
although I still have so much to share with you.
Thanks for stopping by the farm for a visit!
Hope your day is filled 
with lots of curiosities
and silliness, too!!

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