Daphne, The Rednose Donkey

Daphne, The Rednose Donkey

Shhhhh.....stay very, very quiet and still.
There behind the hay...
it looks like Rudolph has stopped in at the farm for a visit...
and we wouldn't want to scare him!

What's that you say?
That's not Rudolph... just Daphne in disguise?

Those silly donkeys!
Looks like everyone is getting into the holiday spirit.

Amanda came on Monday for her weekly farm visit and brought
some new costumes with her.
Naturally, the animals were eager to try them on...
everyone is deciding what to wear to our Christmas party this Saturday.

I'll be spending the rest of the week cooking and baking...
putting the finishing touches on our huge family Christmas.
The presents are wrapped.
The decorating is almost finished.
The food is planned.
The kitchen is going to be a flurry of activity for the next three days.

While I am busy cooking and baking,
the animals will all be trying to decide what to wear.

Don't worry, we'll share lots of photos of the animals' Christmas pageant in the coming days.

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