Deadly Recess

Deadly Recess

Five-year-old Angel Pocock-Smith of the Detroit suburb of Oak Park was playing in the Roosevelt Primary School courtyard during recess on April 16 when the steel pole fell, (resulting in her death).

- But They Attend Public Schools, Why Aren't They Properly Socialized?
One is a 15-year-old who was recently suspended from his suburban high school for making violent threats, according to police. The other is an awkward 17-year-old hungry for attention, acquaintances say. Together, they envisioned a bloody assault on...

- Another Day Care Nightmare
A woman who ran a child-care center from her home has been charged in the deaths of three infants dating to nearly a decade ago, authorities said. Andrea Marnette Person, 39, was indicted Tuesday in the April 2 suffocation death of 2-month-old Michael...

- Bad Public School Teachers?
NYC Educator has a post on Bad Teachers which I found by way of VDare's Diversity Is Strength…It’s Also Really Bad Teachers post. The majority of public school teachers I know do an outstanding job, they are wonderful teachers and wonderful human...

- Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882. Websites The White House American Presidents Blog Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum ...

- From The Blogosphere
Let's be clear public school at home isn't the same as homeschooling. If people choose to do public school at home that's fine and dandy, but they are not homeschoolers. I can only wonder if Bounds desire to scrutinize homeschoolers is due...

