Facebook Stole Our Prize

Facebook Stole Our Prize

 We are very sads and MAD AT FACEBOOK, we will let our Mommy explain.

On Wednesday April 18th I received these two messages that FACEBOOK had arbitrarily stuck in an OTHER folder I didn't even know about. And I still have no Clue what the purpose of the "OTHER" folder is and why Facebook sticks some messages in there and not others. I have my account set up so that messages and post where my name is used (linked) come to my email so I seldom if ever visit Facebook. Apparently messages that are shunted to the "Other" folder DO NOT get sent to your email and there is no way that I could find to change this. Or to get rid of the "Other" folder altogether as I would prefer to get ALL MY MESSAGES.  I really do not wish for Facebook to decide what messages I get and what messages I do not get.

I was very excited about winning and responded to both the Facebook Message to apologize for my tardy response and to the email address providing the information asked for my address and the selection of the Seymour Collection.  I felt just horrible that Seymour Katz had been refusing to eat and sulking. When I didn't get a reply I sent a follow up email just to be safe. Not wanting to be a pest and assuming that they might be on vacation or something I decided to give them one week  before initiating any other contact.

Well a week has gone by and I assume that for some reason they have not received either my email or my Facebook message because not responding would be RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL and I am sure that Rob Rachlin and Seymour Katz is neither so I went to their Facebook page.

And I saw this...........

And the winner is...Sandra! We don't know yet where she lives, but as soon as she tells us her address, her prize will be in the mail. Thanks, everyone, for entering, and keep checking in with us to see what's new in the Katz Family!

Hey Sandra! We've emailed you twice and you never contacted us to claim your prize! If we don't hear from you soon, we will pick another winner. Please respond by March 21.

Sandra never claimed her prize, so we picked a new winner. Congratulations to Amber from Spokane! Amber chose the Chester Collection. We hope that Amber and the people she writes to will enjoy them!

Unfortunately every time he mentioned me  he used Sandra, so if any of my friends saw it they had no clue it was me (heck I wouldn't have even known it was me if I had seen it as I had not received an email from him. I mean every time I see the name Sandra I don't automatically assume they are referring to me. I personally know at least 5 people named Sandra)  as most of my cat blogging friends know me as Alasandra (and their must be a million people named Sandra in the world) and as he didn't use my full name Facebook didn't link to me either so I wasn't notified of the post. And everyone there is a difference between sending someone an email (@ their email address) and sending them a message on Facebook. Mr. Rachlin never sent me an email at my email address he sent me a message on Facebook. It would also have been nice if he had sent a follow up message telling me that the prize had been taken away as the last  message he sent me implied he was still waiting to hear from me. 

I totally blame Facebook for losing the prize, the cats and I are very disappointed. : >(

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