Farewell Tsar

Farewell Tsar

We meet Tsar at Mango Minster 2010 where he won first placement in the cat dog category. Being cats (except for Fenris) we were very excited to meet a doggie that was so much like us. It is with very heavy hearts that we learned Tsar has made the journey to the Rainbow Bridge. His pack blogs at The Portuguese Water Blog and they miss Tsar very much

- Saturday Sorrow ~ Farewell Thunder Dunder
Our pal Thunder went to the Rainbow Bridge July 1, 2013. His pack was one of our very first blogging buddies when we started cat blogging. We enjoyed The Chronicle of Woo's and the antics of Dakota, Phantom and Thunder immensely. Prince Charming...

- Mango Will Be Hugely Missed
We first got to know Mango when we participated in Mango Minster. His HUGE heart won our hearts right away. We adore Mango. He will be HUGELY missed in Blogville.  Until we meet again dear friend ...

- Addio Opus
We were very sad to learn our dear friend Opus has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Opus blogged @ Cat Naps in Italy along with his sister Olive. His brother and littermate Roscoe went to the Rainbow Bridge in September of 2008. Goodness Gracie is his aunt...

- Wow
I went from a girlcat with NO boyfriends to a girlcat with TWO suitors. First Herman came by and asked me to his Gotcha Day Party and to dance. Boy was that fun, he is a terrific dancer. Then when I checked my messages I had a lovely romantic post from...

- Guess What?????
I got to enter  Mango Minster 2010 . After careful deliberation we decided I was a sporty dog, they didn't have a category for a CLOWN Dog. ...

