Farm Livin' Is The Life For Me....

Farm Livin' Is The Life For Me....

It's hard to believe that all of Summer's excitement is behind us now.
And yet in a way, it's kind of nice to have life slow down a bit.

Waking up with no required activities, other than the long list of farm chores
that need attending to, is rather satisfying.

The weather is being cooperative.

Not too hot, not too humid...
sadly, that will all change in time.

For now, though, I am energetic and ready to tackle the long list.

Yesterday proved a perfect day for accomplishing a long list of tasks.

With the help of our friend Jim I moved all 40 of the young hens that arrived 
here as just hatched chicks on April 1st.

Taking groups of 12 to 15 at a time,
we moved them in pet carriers...

and safely delivered them to their new quarters.
A few days inside the henhouse and adjacent yard will teach
these gals that this is their new home.

By the end of the week they will be able to free range with the rest of the hens...
spending their days in search of tasty insects and grass,
as well as the occasional spa treatment (dust baths).

With chickens safely relocated,
I set about to tackle a bit of the week's mowing.
I mowed the yards around the farmhouse,  the grounds around the barn,
the manure pile field and the area around the pumpkin patch.
I mowed 3 goat pens and the area around my vegetable garden.

Two loads of laundry were dried on the line, folded and put away.
I loaded the manure spreader multiple times so that we could spread manure on the 
freshly mowed hayfields.

And lastly, spent some time harvesting in the vegetable garden.

Each and every box is filled with edible delights...

yesterday's bounty included green beans...

sugar peas...

broccoli and cucumbers....

A trip to the pigpen for a few moments' relaxation was my reward. 

A little visiting and belly rubbing...

before returning to the house to clean vegetables and strawberries,
as well as get dinner started.

Farm days are filled with work, work, and more work...
but this kind of work never gets old...
and each morning I am eager to rise and start all over again!

I am happy to tell you that Annie is officially off the leash.

She is completely farm-worthy...

and seems to know that the farm animals are off limits.

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