Fearless Tom Tom

Fearless Tom Tom

You would think that a kitty that only weighs a few pounds would be a little more wary of a 12oo pound animal...like a horse. But not "TomTom the Brave". He slinks around the dry lot and barn... in and out of the horses' legs like he hasn't a care in the world!

Not a care in the world!!

- Dona Nobis Pacem ~ "what Do I Want My World To Look Like?"
We wants a world where all cats, dogs, bunnies and other pets have loving homes. We wants a world where no pet or human is abused and where everyone has enough to eats. We wants a world where humans take care of the environment. We has our paws crossed...

- Poor Horses
Federal officials are considering euthanizing wild horses to deal with the growing population on the range and in holding facilities, authorities said Monday. Wild horses have overpopulated public lands and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management can't...

- Another Cat Tale
The other evening my last stop for the afternoon feeding was the barn....to feed the kitties. Most afternoons, when I walk through the barn door, I have to watch my step. There are usually three kitties trying to cozy up to me, wrapping themselves around...

- Cat Tales....olympic Training Camp
Yes, it's Olympic training time here at the farm. This year TomTom has decided to try out for the Olympic diving team! I know this because I caught him practicing. Unfortunately, I can only share the "after" picture with you. The action happened...

- Feline Barn Games
This morning, while I was cleaning manure out of our dry lot in front of the barn I was treated to a hilarious kitty game. It seems that our frisky TomTom loves to burrow in piles of hay that are put out for the horses. At one point, TomTom had just...

