Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy

Feeding time seems to put everyone into a bit of a frenzy.

The guineas, who have been hanging out on the goat fence,

decide that my presence is undesirable.
They awkwardly take flight and set out to hunt insects.

Roy Boy is quite happy since his move to the henhouse.

 With so many girls to impress, his days are full.

He certainly has a short attention span!

The turkeys are always on hand at feeding time.

They follow me around,
waiting for their treat of Ritz.

I have to wear heavy leather gloves when giving them their Ritz,
as most times they miss the crackers and grab my fingers.

Once the turkeys have their treat, I take feed in for the Nigerian Dwarf goats.
They excitedly run from dish to dish, butting each other away.
You'd think that after all these years they would remember that there
is always enough to go around!

In my free time, I have been busily finishing quilts and working on smaller projects...
quilted buckets,

quilted gift card holders.
(also good for a small wallet, or business card holder)

quilted, woven hot pads and coasters,

and quilted gift tags.

I need more hours in each day!
Oh, if only I didn't need to sleep.
(And sleeping is something at which I truly excel!)

Have a great weekend!
 Hubbs and I will be scrubbing off the farm dirt and heading out for a holiday party.
It's fun to dress up a little.... but putting feet that are usually in muck boots into heels
is pure torture!!

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