Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I found a stick to train. Unfortunately Mommy interrupted the stick training for a modeling session but she was pleased with the first picture she took (how unusual) and let me get back to my stick training.

Sticks can be very disobedient, you has to have a firm paw with them.

But once you gets them trained you can do all sorts of things with them.

You can clean your teeths.

You can practice your growls on them.

You can use them to scratch an itch.

You can play fetch with them, although it helps if you can get a human to throw them.

They are good for tug of war, but you really needs another doggie for that game. Mister Who used to play tug of war with me, Tuiren will not.

You can also play chase with them. Mommy do you wants to chase me now? ~Fenris, training sticks for ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
While Fenris is busy eating I came stole his stick. He gave me the stink eye, but I didn't care. The stick seems pretty well behaved to me, I am not sure why he was having problems with it. Maybe I am a stick whisper. But it minded pretty good when...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy asked me to do a modeling session. Here is my standing patiently with tail waving. And my sit, but the modeling session got interrupted. Sometimes when you has an itch. You just has to scratch it. Do you want to scratch my itch? ~Fenris, asking...

- Fenris Friday
It has been a long time since Mommy got to do a photo shoot of ME, and junior is interrupting this one. Just pretend you don't see him. This is my alert stance. See how my tail is curled. This is my restful pose. My stick training pose. Really working...

- Fenris Friday
Sometimes Daddy is nice and leaves sticks in my yard for me to play with. I am teaching this stick some manners. Wanna go walking with me and look at wildflowers. I'll just leave the stick here so it'll be waiting when I come back. These are in...

- Tails On Tuesday
See the stick Daddy! We can play a game with it. You pick up the stick and throw it and I'll bring it back to you. Now it's time for some loving.~Fenris ...

