Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

The cactus is blooming.

Mom is playing ball with me.

And Dad is trimming trees.

I thought I might lend a paw by carrying some of the branches to a pile for him.

But Mom interrupted me for a photo shoot.

Hurry up woman I has impawtant work to do.

I thinks this is my best side.

I'll be right there Dad.

Gotta give Mom some tail first.

She LOVES my fluffy tail.

And now I has to do a sit.

And after all that work it is time for a TREAT! Right Mom!!!! ~Fenris modeling for ATCAD
An InLinkz Link-up

- Not Fenris Friday
 (Attorney Ernie do you see this not a dog post on Fenris Friday. Why the Mom even let a INTRUDER CAT into the post. ~Fenris) Ahem, where was I, oh I was down at the Butterfly Garden chilling with my new friend. For the purposes of this post we will...

- Fenris Friday 2016
 I am waiting for instructions from Mommy. She wants to do a photo shoot to welcome in the New Year.  Today's theme is action. This Winter weather has me busy chasing squirrels. Hard to believe it is already winter.  I am looking forward...

- Fenris Friday (flashback)
Hi, thanks for coming by to see me. Mommy loves my tail almost as much as she loves my blue eyes, so I show it off every chance I get. This is what I thinks of Rainy Days, I do not likes them. I wants to go out and play. I am carefully watching the woods...

- Fenris Friday
Another modeling session. Mommy says I needs to give lessons to Lady O'Meara and Tuiren. I sits on command and I stays while Mommy takes the picture. I also flirt with the camera, but that's my secret. A guy has to keep a few secrets. ~Fenris...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy asked me to do a modeling session. Here is my standing patiently with tail waving. And my sit, but the modeling session got interrupted. Sometimes when you has an itch. You just has to scratch it. Do you want to scratch my itch? ~Fenris, asking...

