Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 Wanna play ball with me?

 We had a very nice Sunday, Eldest Boy, his girl and their doggies Mister Who and Chloe came to visit. Sorry Mom failed to get pictures.  We had a wonderful time running around, playing chase and just visiting with each other. I hopes they come visit again soon.

 Mom insisted on a modeling session so I am obliging her.

 She says I has lovely Fall colors in my coat.

 She tells jokes to get me to laugh. You wanna hear a dirty joke?................................ A white horse fell in a mud puddle BOL BOL.

 OK, it really wasn't that funny. This is my serious look.

And yes I can touch my nose while rubbing my tummy. Humans ask the oddest questions. ~Fenris reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
 I am a good dog, I stay when Mommy tells me to stay. I don't have to be given camera cases to hold like some doggies we know. Although I am anticipating a treat when this modeling session is over.  This is my dignified look. This is my...

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- Tsarina Tuesday
 I am enjoying being outside again. This fall weather is wonderful.  OK, I posed long enough Mommy, I wants to explore now.  Wanna you mean I has to pose for one more picture.  OK, Hurry up! Modeling is hard work and I wants to play....

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Sitting quietly against the fence in the goat pasture,I witnessed this scene yesterday afternoon. Missy to Nettie, "What is that out in the pasture?""I'm not sure," Nettie whispered back.  "It seems to be all legs and they're writhing every...

- A Boy, A Ball, A Whole Lot Of Fun
What is it about little boys and balls?  It must be genetic...even amongst the animal kingdom!  I found an exercise ball and blew it up for the "Littles".  Each morning, when they go out to the dry lot or the pasture, they run and play...

