Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

BOL, Mommy says this is my mug shot.  My routine has been shot to heck and I am most unhappy. I get stucks inside so Socks can play outside in MY YARD with MY MOMMY.. I do not thinks this is fair. Sometimes I get to go outside with Socks & Mommy, but not often. Daddy says I am a big lumbering galoot.

Tuiren usually stays outside in her mud hole, that annoys Socks because he wants to sit in the mud hole.

Socks glares at Tuiren: GET OUT OF MY MUD HOLE

Tuiren: I dug it I am staying, you can share.

So far he hasn't shared the mud hole with her but he has come close a few times.

We all love Socks so we are trying to make him happy and keep him healthy. It's not easy, he does not like being an inside cat, he doesn't like his y/d food. So we try to give him as much of the things he wants that he can have as we can. Including supervised time in the dog yard.

But MOMMY, I would really LOVE IT, if you made time to take me and Tuiren walking today.

~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy says I am a silly girl. I gets red dirt on my nose when I digs my sleeping hole. I likes to drink the rain water when it fills up my sleeping hole, Mommy thinks it is weird to turn your bed into a water bowl. I thinks it is practical. Do you do...

- Fenris Friday ~ What Me And Tuiren Saw
Tuiren says you want to know what we saw............................ We saw this intruder. He/she kinda looks like Socks from a distance but it isn't Socks. Mommy says the cat is very silly, it's not afraid of me and Tuiren, it is friends with...

- Fenris Friday ~ Cat Sitting Staring Fenris & Socks
I has a very impawtant job. I has to make sure Socks stays inside the fence, I am suppose to make sure Tuiren stays inside the fence too, but I am more successful with Socks. Socks listens better then Tuiren when I barks get down..  Socks is sneaky...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 Sharing the backyard with a cat is extremely tricky.  You has to lay real still so you don't scare them.  You often has to move cause they wants to sit where you are at. OK, Socks I'll move so you can have the mud hole. Mommy says...

- Fenris Friday
Me and Socks are sleeping close to each other. He is hogging the Electric Blanket. He told me to KEEP OFF.  He won't let Mommy have it either, she had to make do with the fleece blanket and I had to make do with NO blanket. Do you think that...

