Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 A gardening dog has many responsibilities. You has to check to make sure the soil has enough fertilizer.  You also has to make sure the humans treat the septic system properly.

 I thinks you has too much chlorine in the septic system Mom. Need to ease up on those tablets.

 I just love the white roses at the Hummingbird Cottage I can see them from my yard.

Mommy has to trim the roses up as soon as they are finished blooming. She SHOULD HAVE done it in January but she didn't feel good then and by the time she felt like it, it was too late. 

 The pretty blue plumbago. We had someone ask us how we got it to bloom. We just bought it and it was already blooming so we don't know. If anyone knows how to care for it properly we would appreciate any tips you may have.

 Mommy you need to check to make sure the bird bath has water in it.

 Look at all those birds. It is a crow convention in the Butterfly Garden.

Daddy is  home time to cook supper Mom. ~Fenris

- Thursday In The Garden
 Daddy made this Extra-Large planter to go over our septic system. He made it out of cedar so it should last awhile, but watering the plants is a little problematic so Mommy decided to put succulents and cactus in there and let them depend on the...

- Mancat Monday
 Oh hi there, I guess you would like for me to get up and show you the garden. You can admire the spots on my belly while I take a quick cat nap.  OK, here at the Hummingbird Cottage the candy corn is getting ready to bloom. And see all the...

- Scylla Sunday
 I am hanging out at the Hummingbird Cottage today, would you like to join me?  I just love the roses growing on the roof.  And this view is so peaceful.  The blue plumbago makes us smile.  Mommy needs to trim the Carolina Jasmine....

- Thursday In The Garden
This is a WEED. Mommy usually says bad words when she sees it but since it was growing next to the green house where she wouldn't step on it she didn't. It has pretty flowers but the leaves have nasty stickers. The Red Hibiscus is blooming. It...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty & Socks
 The forsythia is so pretty it makes us smile every time we see it's cheerful yellow blooms.  Come on Socks we has lots of things to check out.  I sees some birds.  They are enjoying our garden too.  As you can see our grass...

